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merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para sign on en español


sign on verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
contratar (a un empleado), fichar (a un jugador)

sign noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
símbolo, signo; seña, señal, gesto; letrero, cartel; indicio

Ejemplos de uso de
sign noun

  • The sign in the store window says “OPEN.”
  • After you get off the highway, follow the signs for Route 25.
  • He ran the stop sign.
  • There was a “For Sale” sign on the car.
  • All the signs point to him as the guilty party.
  • She ignored me, which was a sure sign that she was mad at me.
  • “The company called me in for a second interview.” “That's a good sign.”
  • It was a bad sign that he couldn't walk on the injured leg.
  • There are plenty of warning signs that the company is in danger of bankruptcy.
  • They bowed before the king as a sign of respect.
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Traducción inversa para sign on

contratar  (a un empleado) - to contract for, to hire, to engage 
fichar  (a un jugador) - to open a file on, to punch in, to punch out, to sign up